Welcome to Our Garden at Willow Pond
Our plot is about an acre. We garden organically and so share the space with a lot of wildlife: from bats to hedgehogs, frogs, toads and newts, dragon flies, and many species of birds and butterflies. The garden itself is very informal and now consists of several ‘rooms’. There are two large main lawns, a summer house, a greenhouse, a small wildlife pond, a terrace, a large historic barn, mature trees and many areas of planting and plenty of spaces to sit, to eat, to drink, to picnic.

We have to admit that when we saw Willow Pond in 2015 we fell in love with the garden. Or more accurately perhaps, the potential of the garden. Mike and I are both passionate gardeners and so wouldn't be deterred by well-meaning friends and relatives who said that the garden at Willow Pond required too much work and would forever be a full-time job. We would be crazy to buy the place. They were correct of course, but we would not be deterred. Like the cottage, the garden was a bit of a wreck. It was over-run with brambles, bindweed and ivy and needed generally a good overhaul and refresh.
However, we thought that the whole place had an atmosphere of a place once much loved and enjoyed. So we bought the place and wasted no time clearing a lot of overgrown shrubs and trees from the garden, mending fences, replacing gates and, of course, re-planting. The gardeners amongst you will know that gardens take a good while to become established and will appreciate that the gardens at Willow Pond are very much a 'work-in-progress,' but we hope that won't deter you and we really look forward to sharing them with you.